Deron Edward Rombach passed away on November 20th of 2021. Deron was a valued member of the Texas Scouts Association, and is a respected member of the Texas Scouts Association Hall of Fame. Recognized for his work with the Houston Astros, Baltimore Orioles, and Atlanta Braves, Deron was universally acknowledged throughout the scouting industry as a remarkable person, colleague, and friend.

To best honor Deron, the Texas Scouts Association, along with the Rombach family, have established the Deron Rombach Scholarship, which will be awarded each year to a high school senior baseball player who best reflects the values that encapsulated who Deron was within the world of baseball - displaying a strength of character, a focused dedication, a relentless work ethic, a commitment to being an outstanding teammate, and an enduring love of the game. All contributions to this scholarship fund will not only honor Deron, but will also continue to honor high school senior baseball players who work hard to represent the admirable qualities represented so well by Deron.

all donations received will benefit the DERON ROMBACH SCHOLARSHIP fund.

$25 Deron Rombach Scholarship Donation
$50 Deron Rombach Scholarship Donation
$75 Deron Rombach Scholarship Donation
$100 Deron Rombach Scholarship Donation
$250 Deron Rombach Scholarship Donation
$500 Deron Rombach Scholarship Donation
$750 Deron Rombach Scholarship Donation
$1000 Deron Rombach Scholarship Donation